

August 7, 2020

There was a slight coolness hanging in the air. It had been such a hot day that this was a welcome relief, an oasis in the desert.

And the smells? Freshness, nature, just summer.

The birds were coming home for the evening, their calls to each other giving some life to the day as evening drew near and the sun began its decent.

The peace was shattered by a cackle, just a neighbour laughing as her children squealed, enjoying their garden playtime.

The breeze picked up a little, the clouds gathered together.

The cat meowed through the window at her, just a greeting, saying hello.

With such a tranquil scene it was hard to believe that the world was in turmoil.  That away from this blissfulness a pandemic was attacking the world, etching away at the things people believed in.  Taking lives, changing others.  The world wasn’t the same.  Fear was a constant.  Worry was loud for so many.

Yet in those moments all was forgotten. Life seemingly frozen. Peace, calm. Just being. And rest.


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